Misc Cleaning Services
True Comfort Cleaning Service offers a variety of cleaning services for your convenience.
Which one of the list below can we help you with?–
- After party clean up–
- Before party cleaning–
- After builder clean up- dust gets everywhere and weeks after the build you will still find dust, but with our deep clean, this will no longer be a problem.–
- New home clean up focusing on santising bathroom and kithen–
- Older person cleaning – for aged persons who can no longer clean as thoroughlly as they wish–
- Physical imparement cleaning- If you suffer from bad back and or otherwise unable to clean–
- Allergy reduction cleaning – Deep cleaning of mattress, upholstery, soft furnishings and household to remove as much dust mites and other allergens (Coming Soon)–
- Before weekend visit clean up- Get your home sparkling clean before friends or relatives come to stay–
- Tennant moving out clean up- no matter how ‘clean’ a tennant is, they never seem to look after the house as well as if it was their own, call us in to do a thorough deep clean to make it ready for the next tennant.–
- Selling your home clean up- first impressions count, a clean home is much much more appealing than a dusty dirty house to get higher price.–
Give us a call to find how we can help you today!