Toxic Chemicals Found In Your Home

by True-Comfort Cleaning Services

To listen to the original interview go here    Natural

In an interview with Debra Lynn Dadd, Mike Adams from Natural Debra Lynn a Toxic and Green living specialist, gave a frank interview about her concerns for our health with the chemicals we use everyday in our cosmetics, cleaning products and food.

In the interview she states that:

Cleaning products that can kill

Though time has moved on and there are choices about which products we can use, the same dangers she identified 20 years ago is still here today.

The dangers come from the pesticides and cleaning products we are exposed to as these are the most toxic chemicals for us.  And though most people don’t realise it, we are already showing signs of toxicity when we have running noses, runny eyes, even cancer and asthma can be attributed to the over exposure of cleaning chemicals and pesticides.

We all need education about what we are doing to contribute to our illnesses because by lessening or eliminating the toxic chemicals in our homes, we will get better.

Debra Lynn Dadd then went on to talk about the confusion over what ‘green’ actually means.

Kept in the dark by companies wishing to deceive us

She agreed with the interviewers assertion that some companies are deliberately deceiving us with the labelling but some are from ignorance about what green means.

From my perspective, whether this confusion is deliberate or not, we can’t trust what we read on the labels and that puts us in unnecessary dangers.

If it smells nice it might be bad for you

Another shocking statement, as far as I’m concerned is that when you see fragrance or perfume on your cleaning products and cosmetics, that there could be at least 20 different synthetic chemicals that make up that ‘fragrance’.  And it doesn’t matter how expensive a perfume is it’s still the same.

The only safer way to get your fragrance is to use products with essential oils in them because these aren’t synthetic and are better for our health when diluted. Because another benefit from using essential oils rather than perfumes, is that you won’t get depressed, they won’t make you not be able to think clearly, and they aren’t carcinogenic which fragrances are.

Moving onto laundry department most people will think that if you’re not eating a thing that they aren’t as toxic as the clothes you wear that has been washed in most detergents. Debra Lynn Dadd, warns us that laundry items can still be as dangerous because that clothing item in on your body and your body absorbs all the chemicals into your lungs.

So we’re not safe from chemicals in our cleaning detergents either.

An interesting thing for someone like me with many allergies, is that a product that says hypoallergenic will only mean that the perfume has been taken out, but the product could still be toxic to me.

And I never knew this.  I’m quite shocked by this as I thought that I was being safe by choosing those products but I wasn’t necessarily. And the reason why this happens is that none of the phrases we’ve been used to hearing are regulated.

So if one company calls their product green it can be more or less toxic than another company who also says their products are green

Drug inducing sheets

And even worse the chemical that makes your sheets non iron can have formaldehyde   in it which of course is highly toxic.  So when you’re sleeping on your sheets you could be soaking up dangerous chemicals.

Cancer inducing sweeteners

After those shockers Debra Lynn Dadd, went onto talk about chemical in our food, citing artificial sweeteners as one of the reasons for cancer.  I mean really!!

She states that  all artificial sweeteners are made from crude oil, and this is why they are highly toxic and should always be avoided.  But that if we change our lifestyles then we will not be prone to the illnesses that can result in over exposure to these everyday chemicals.

To end then, here are her action steps
1.  Get rid of all toxic cleaning products
2.  Start to make your own with safer more green products found in your kitchen cabinet
3.  Change your lifestyle.

And that was it.  On this site I will show cover making your own basic cleaning kit, the rest is up to you.

And just so you know I’ve never used standard cleaning products in the homes I clean, thankfully, so if you would like me to start the process of detoxifying your home, contact me here.

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